Friday, January 23, 2009

The Detox

The Detox - Alternatives to Detoxification Methods

There are many people who insist that detoxification of the body is essential to keeping your body clean of foreign substances and making yourself healthier. However, there are plenty of other ways to accomplish these same goals without going through specific rigorous and intense detoxification instructions. Even though detoxification methods have proven themselves effective, and thousands of people do adhere to them, here are some other detoxification methods that you may or may not have thought about.


This alternative detoxification method is already used by very many people throughout the world, and it is a very old practice that has recently been popular in Western society and the United States. The principle of aromatherapy, though, rests on the fact that breathing in vapors and scents through certain aromas will help the body rid itself of the toxins. These specific aromas that can be used can usually be purchased at health food and other grocery stores.

Some of the aromatherapy can be used while giving yourself a hot bath or shower. If taking a bath then the oils and vapors can be added directly to the water that you're soaking in. People believe that the toxins in the body will leave once the water, vapors, and oils are soaked into the skin, as well as breathed in through the nose. Aromatherapy definitely is an interesting alternative to following rigid detoxification methods, though, and there are people all over the world that claim that it works just as well, if not better.


Just like aromatherapy, acupuncture was used in Eastern societies many centuries ago and it has come to Western societies today in order to bring good health to everyone. Acupuncture can be used as an alternative to detoxification because it is believed that the needles that are placed in the skin have something to do with the pressure points on the body. These pressure points, though, the pressure of the needles, will be able to relax and detoxify the body.

There are all sorts of people who perform acupuncture on a regular basis, and many people contend that acupuncture is an excellent alternative to drinking natural juices, soups, and other raw vegetables for a whole week, which is what many detoxification methods require.

Healthy Diet

Among other things, studies have shown that people who engage in healthy diets will be healthier than others across the board. Millions of people continue to eat healthy everyday, having whole wheat sandwiches instead of Big Macs, cooking eggs instead of eating restaurant eggs, as well as just eating better in general. Putting yourself on a healthy diet will probably benefit you more than any other detoxification method ever could simply because you are not restricting yourself to what you can eat. On the other hand, detoxification methods usually call upon the body to give up food for one or two days while pureed and blended juices need to be digested.

All in all, though, these are some definite alternative detoxification methods that truly work. Even though many people still engage in detoxification methods because they work, it is certainly nice to know that there are other alternatives available.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Herbal Detox

Herbal Detox - About Herbal Detoxification

In order to complete a full body detoxification, many people think that there are too many steps in order to complete. However, this simply isn't true and you will be shown that there can be a full body detoxification that takes with in the herbal way. Indeed, there are so many ways in which a person is able to complete a body detox system, but oftentimes individuals seek out the quickest and most efficient way to do so. Along with combining essential herbs in your diet during this detoxification, it is also recommended to digest healthy, green vegetables, along with fruits during the whole process.

The first thing that one must realize about an herbal detoxification is what it truly is. Like any other detoxification system, an herbal detoxification will help the body get rid of any toxins that are in the system. It will not only focus on cleaning the colon and liver, but it will also flush out the kidneys as well. There are a whole host of benefits from performing an herbal detoxification every month, but many people do combine the herbal detox system with other types of detoxification systems that they know.

After one realizes what the herbal detoxification will do for them then it is time to make a list of everything that you will digest during the detox period. But in order to know that you will have to decide how long you want the detoxification process to last. Many people choose to go two to three days on the detoxification diet; however, it is only necessary to complete 1 full day, a twenty-four hour period, on the detoxification. This is mainly because your body will benefit from everything that you digest the first day and the second day is not necessary. Performing an herbal detoxification for one day is also the quickest way to have the process over.

There are several ways to perform an herbal detoxification plan, too. If you know of a popular health food store, like GNC, they may be able to sell you detoxification systems that include all of the necessary ingredients for the day. On the other hand, one always has the option of buying the proper ingredients at a normal and local grocery store. Most of the ingredients that one will want to consume during an herbal detoxification are all sorts of herbs, like cayenne pepper, garlic, primrose oil, flax seed, parsley, and even cinnamon. All of these ingredients can be combined in the other foods that you eat during a total detoxification.

The other foods that need to combine these ingredients, though, include juices as well as pure and raw soups and vegetables. By combining the herbs with everything else that is digested the herbal detoxification will have the greatest benefit. For example, vegetable soups and juices are the absolute best thing to eat during a detoxification, and combining herbs, such as garlic and cayenne pepper, will do your whole body justice and give you the most benefit.

After you spend one twenty-four hour period digesting the foods described above and drinking plenty of water, only then can you be finished with the herbal detoxification. This process is recommended to be completed at least twice per month, however, once a month is sufficient if that is all you can do. Many people also decide to take a weekend to complete the detoxification so that they're not away from work. Nevertheless, an herbal detoxification will help the total body cleanse in the long run and should be used regularly!